Iliac Vein Syndrome

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Defining Iliac Vein Syndrome

Iliac Vein Syndrome is a unique condition that affects a part of the body most people would never consider when dealing with vascular issues. Those suffering from Iliac Vein Syndrome will experience circulation trouble in their pelvic region, with a notable loss of circulation in the legs and feet.


Moreover, this condition continues to narrow the left iliac vein, which sends blood back to the heart after it is depleted of oxygen.


As a result, this condition must be taken seriously as soon as you notice either the warning signs or you experience several risk factors. Iliac Vein Syndrome can also cause DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis when blood clots release and find their way into the legs and feet.

Common Symptoms of Iliac Vein Syndrome

When you are suffering from Iliac Vein Syndrome, you may not notice any symptoms until DVT develops. If you notice symptoms, the condition is progressing quickly, meaning you require treatment as soon as possible.


The most common symptoms of Iliac Vein Syndrome and DVT include:


  • Swollen legs, ankles, and/ feet
  • Leg cramps and pain
  • Overheating extremities
  • Discolored skin
  • Enlarged veins


Leg cramps will start in the calf, and they can progress to other parts of the legs and feet. When these cramps become too severe, they could also lead to a pulmonary embolism because circulation is so low and blood clots could travel anywhere in the body.

Risk Factors for Iliac Vein Syndrome

This condition is not hereditary, but it can develop at any time. Because there are several risk factors involved, you can weigh your risk against the factors you see below. You should also keep in mind that these risk factors pertain to DVT just as much as they pertain to Iliac Vein Syndrome. Seek treatment as quickly as possible to avoid any lifelong health concerns.


The most common risk factors for Iliac Vein Syndrome include:


  • Pregnancy
  • Use of birth control and HRT or other estrogen-based medications
  • Bed rest or lack of activity
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Vein injuries
  • Blood diseases
  • Health conditions like heart disease, cancer, or IBS

Comprehensive Care at MVP Endovascular Center

Using advanced diagnostics and expertise, our team at MVP Endovascular Center can ensure you receive the best treatment for your condition. You may have noticed the symptoms of IVS or DVT, and you should seek treatment right away. We are happy to consult with you about your condition, begin your non-invasive treatment, and ensure you can live well going forward.


Contact us as soon as possible to ask questions or to schedule your initial consultation.